Friday, October 24, 2014

She's back

Monica Lewinsky has officially entered the realm of social media. Just 4 days ago, Ms. Lewinsky joined Twitter. Her first tweet? "#HereWeGo". Seems fitting. Not that anyone needs a refresher but Monica Lewinsky is best known as a former White House intern who had an affair with President Bill Clinton in 1995.

In the past, Lewinsky has tried very hard to keep out of the public eye but after joining twitter and her recent essay for Vanity Fair, this may be changing. Her new calling? To end "Cyber Bullying". In fact, Monica Lewinsky is calling herself "Patient Zero" for cyber bullying.

"There was no Facebook, Twitter or Instagram back then," she said. "But there were gossip, news and entertainment websites replete with comment sections and emails which could be forwarded. ..a viral phenomenon that, you could argue, was the first moment of truly 'social media'."

She has a point and finding a way to take a humiliating experience and turn it into a helpful one deserves some credit. The real question is, how will her re-entry into public life be viewed by others? By the media? And at such a critical time...with the Presidential election in 2016 and Hillary Clinton as a serious candidate. How will Lewinsky conduct herself during the election? Will she tweet about it or avoid the subject? Personally, I think her decision to "reemerge" isn't a bad one, but the time she chose seems questionable at best. And she certainly hasn't wasted anytime, just last week she made more than negative remarks about how the White House ruined her in order to protect President Clinton when the affair went public. No offense Ms, Lewinsky, but what did you expect them to do?

Even though Lewinsky claims her re-entry into public life is all for the better, I can't help feeling bad for Hillary Clinton. She's back after 16 years, and there's no way the media is going to  settle for allowing Monica Lewinsky to simply talk about cyber bullying. You can bet, they'll be talk of the affair. Will this hurt Hillary Clinton in the election or will voters feel how I do and sympathize with her?

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