Friday, September 26, 2014

ISIS and the power of the media

         I find it interesting and horrifying, the way ISIS has used and continues to use the media to employ fear within others and as a channel for their threats. ISIS has used Twitter, YouTube and even lesser known media sites to spread their message. The message varies from appeals, threats, recruiting and even video showing the slaughter of their hostages. The group can upload their message and spread it globally within minutes. Just last month, ISIS responded to Presisdent Obama’s approval of airstirkes by creating a hashtag on twitter. “#AMessageFromISIStoUS” This is direct and immediate engagement.
         It is obvious they crave attention and recognition for their actions and they are getting just that through the spread of these videos. Not only have they received attention from their own videos but from our own media as well. We have acknowledged them as a major threat, and have given this group extensive coverage. Turn on any news channel and you'll see "ISIS" on your screen. So here's the question, when is news coverage on one particular issue too much coverage? Are we unintentionally aiding in spreading their message by continuing to report on the situation or are the news outlets simply keeping us well informed? And it's not just mass media that is to blame, it's social media.

         Our constant need to be in the know has a downside. We have "shared", "retweeted", "posted" "instagrammed" (the list goes on) images, stories and videos relating to ISIS. Is America helping ISIS promote their message? It's a fine line, a grey area. The media attention ISIS had received and their unfortunately viral videos will only increase the likelihood for other groups to follow in their footsteps. What can we do now? The U.S. is making efforts to shut down accounts on social media and remove these viral videos but as an active user on social media, I can resist sharing photos and videos that amplify their message and encourage others to do the same.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Obama’s plan to “degrade and ultimately destroy ISIS.”

     FINALLY Obama got specific about what he plans to do to stop ISIS. His plan includes several steps. First, we will assist Iraqi government and forces with air strikes against terrorists. President Obama even mentioned sending forces to Syria if need be. Second, we will increase ground support to help Iraqi forces. The President plans to send 475 service members but NOT for combat missions. The service members will only be there to assist with training intelligence and equipment. Third, we will continue to draw off counter intelligence capabilities. “We will redouble efforts to cut off ISIS’ funding and counter its warped ideology.”                         

     Obama also plans to attend the UN Security Council meeting to encourage the international community to rally around this effort. Finally the President wants to continue to provide humanitarian assistant to innocent civilians. It all sounds pretty good. As usual President Obama made a strong speech but when we look at the plan itself it begins to look a little half hearted. 

     Obama doesn’t want to engage in a real war, instead let's send in air forces and soldiers to help train, but no one on the ground. No troops actually engaging in combat. It’s unsettling to the American people. His delivery of the plan may have been confident but the plan itself isn’t. The truth is, after 9/11 we’re all a little scared. What is the President doing to protect US? On a positive note, I’m glad we’re doing something. I want us to succeed but after hearing Obama’s speech Wednesday night, I’m left feeling uneasy.